Tap The Shell!
“Your best chance of success is when it hurts.”- Savvy Turtle.
Savvy Turtle/Tap The Shell

Tap The Shell


1. Savvy Tube buy track
2. Savvy Squad buy track
3. Chew The Fat buy track
4. Theme Music buy track
5. Tap The Shell buy track

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About Album

Savvy Turtle – Tap The Shell album was released for Savvy’s fans on YouTube during that part of his journey, All 5 songs were played during his live shows.

Artist: Savvy Turtle
Label: Savvy Turtle Records
Release Date: 11-6-2021
Genre: Rock
People: Savvy Turtle

Available Lyrics

Savvy Tube


Savvy Squad


Chew The Fat


Theme Music


Tap The Shell