Tap The Shell!
“Your best chance of success is when it hurts.”- Savvy Turtle.
Savvy Turtle/Rock On

Rock On


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About Album

Savvy Turtle wrote Rock On while recovering from devastating injuries at Walter Reed Army Medical Center while his buddies and rest of the Military’s wounded soldiers were feeling down and wanted to give up on life and end their lives. Stand up, Tap The Shell and keep walking.

Artist: Savvy Turtle
Label: Savvy Turtle Records
Release Date: 3-9-2022
Genre: Hard Rock
People: Savvy Turtle

Available Lyrics

Rock On

Time’s going by too fast, I won’t allow myself to finish last
I don’t need a day to rest, there’s nothing here for me, there’s nothing left
Here’s finally the day I take over the stage and put up a big show
I’ll really go away and rock hard those places, that’s my one true goal
Erase that life that’s dull, forget it all
And make sure to rock on
Forget that grey frame around that lame painting
It’s time to just rock on.
The days are no longer fading, the words are not scaping me
Come on now, rock on
If some people are bailing, it feels like you’re failing it
You won’t need them to rock on
Come on now, rock on
Sticking to only girl, one city, one world? It’s not enough for me
Believing that it all blows, can you feel it? It’s just wrong, it doesn’t work for me
Your past is gone…
Erase that life that’s dull, forget it all
And make sure to rock on
Forget that grey frame around that lame painting
It’s time to just rock on.
The days are no longer fading, the words are not scaping me
Come on now, rock on
If some people are bailing, it feels like you’re failing it
You won’t need them to rock on
Come on now, rock on
The time has come,
Your past is gone,
Come on now, rock on.
I don’t think I’m too greedy, I’m just up for all that heat, man,
It’s time to just rock on
If my hands are bleeding, and my voice is leaving me,
So what? I’ll carry on
I’ll grab another beer can, watch out for your girlfriend
That is the mode I’m on

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